SCULPTURE GALLERY offers the following services:
* Art Consultation and / or the work of a supervisor;
* Arrangement of exhibitions and museum exhibits;
* Art situational analysis at the interior design of private spaces;
* Arrangement of private gardens: landscape design, sculpture, fountains, gazebos;
* Making public parks: landscape design, sculpture, art objects, fountains.
Art Symposium ‘The Second Life of the Tree’ (2015)
This year we have organized our art symposium ‘the Second Life of the Tree’ within the framework of the exhibition project ‘the Gallery of Sculpture in the Botanical Garden’. The sculptures in the Landscape Art Style create in the park the special atmosphere saturated with the beauty of the nature and sculptors’ works.
The participants of the symposium transform the dead trees into the works of art and give them the second life.
The works of Landscape Art include the landscape itself as a form and means for creation a masterpiece. The images the artists work with are almost always connected with the nature directly, subconsciously and associatively, or they are camouflaged and need to be found, which means you must be attentive and watch the nature. The goals of the symposium are upbringing the careful attitude to the nature, enhancement of Russia cultural heritage and advancement the image of St. Petersburg as the world cultural and art centre.
The idea was elaborated by taking into account all the specifics of the Botanical Garden schedule, landscape, historical and cultural peculiarities and it organically supplements the existing landscape.
Organizers of the project: V.L.Komarov Botanical Institute
Gallery of Modern Sculpture and Plastic Art
Participants of the project: A.L.Shtiglitz Art and Industry Academy
Modern Park Sculpture in the Botanical Garden (2014)
The exhibition ‘The Gallery of Sculpture in the Botanical Garden’ includes several areas of the landscape park sculpture which are settled down comfortably on the garden territory and complete the existing landscape. It gives the opportunity to show widely and more variously the aesthetics of the park sculpture in the natural environment of the Botanical Garden, taking into account historical and cultural peculiarities of the place.
First for three hundred years the universal synthesis of science and nature took place in the Botanical Garden and it became a place where any visitor can find both rest and inspiration, feel the harmony of the nature and the beauty of the human’s hands creation. While walking around the garden, do not miss the exhibition of the Modern Art Sculpture.
The Botanical Garden of St.Petersburg celebrated its three hundredth anniversary in June,2014. Within the framework of the anniversary events on the territory of the Botanical Garden the exhibition project ‘The Gallery of Modern Sculpture in the Botanical Garden’ was launched by the Gallery of Modern Sculpture and Plastic Art under the support of V.L.Komarov Botanical Institute and partially financed by the St.Petersburg society ‘The Rebirth of St.Petersburg gardens and squares’.
Modern Sculpture suggests a significant amount of techniques as well as the application of absolutely different materials, such as metal, wire, plastic, glass and also various combinations of the materials which are steady against the environmental conditions. The wide range of works made not only from traditional materials like stone and wood but also from fiberglass plastic and artificial stone is presented in St.Petersburg Botanical Garden. In some works several kinds of materials are used and you can also find the sculptures made in absolutely authentic technique, for instance, in the technique of assemblage in which scrap metal and any other materials and subjects of utilitarian purpose are used. Art objects made from metal, wire and other materials form the space in a very refined way. Such sculpture works not at the expense of volume but due to the creation of planimetric outlines, designation of lines and imitation of a stroke or texture. It looks like the translucent art object includes the space of the park and creates with it a composite unity – ‘The Greek Soldier’ made by Antonina Fatkhulina can be used as an example. The sculpture made from pro-carved metal and sheet iron looks good in the open park areas. ‘Flower’ made by Ekaterina Fedorova, ‘We are leaving’ by Sergey Borisov and ‘Kazimir’s Flower’ by Grigory Molchanov are the best examples.
We see the special potential in a welded sculpture used in the technique of the assemblage; it is not without cause so popular among young sculptors. The reason of a wide spreading of this technique is not only in the availability of the materials but in the richness of the opportunities provided by a combination of various forms and textures. ‘Garden Fish’ made by Maxim Lapachugin can be an example of it. The composition of seven works made by Alexander Gordon, which decorates several alleys of the park, looks very picturesque. The sculptures ‘Walk’ and ‘The Pastoral of XVIII’ which are at the same time full of air and impressive, distinguish due to the use of glass and iron in various combinations. These works are extremely impressive: glass adds some volume and tone and the various adaptations done in the form of bells and other mobile tricks can be interpreted as interactive with the nature.
Art forging, contrary to the narrow-minded representations, is a technique of great opportunities and powerful art potential. Egor Bavykin and Andrey Yakovishin’s works show the beauty and grace of iron as a material for sculptural compositions and art objects.
With the expansion of a range of materials and techniques colour plastic and plexiglas are now used very often – these works seem really effective in winter, recovering a monochrome black-and-white landscape. Sergey Borisov, the Petersburg sculptor, prefers abstract forms which are similar to natural, he experiments with plastic a lot and rather successfully. His monumental sculptures do not dominate over a natural landscape but complete it repeating forms of tree trunks and crowns.
Stone is traditionally used for park sculpture. This material creates the feeling of durability, stability, but depending on the author’s plan, it can be atectonic, light and mobile. The works of Evgeny Dukhovny ‘Wind Sounds’ and ‘A Wave of the Warm Air’ are exactly like that. The author forces a stone to melt, flow from one level to another, form the holes entering the sculpture composition through which the world is visible, the sky and leaves breathe and the wind makes its way.
Aydar Ishemgulov’s works decorate the alleys leading to the ponds. The works of Petersburg sculptors Evgeny Dukhovny, Oleg Zhogin, Robert Lotosh and Mikhail Yershov can create the special art aura in any park or square as they formed the unique atmosphere and set the organized spatial rhythms combined with the natural landscapes in the alleys of the Botanical Garden.
Among other traditional materials it is necessary to allocate wood, bronze and ceramics used both while creating realistic and abstract forms of plastic art. ‘The Development of Natural’ by Grigory Molchanov is a quite recognizable interpretation of the iconography landscape. As for the ceramics, it is interesting to mention the works of the distinguished master Mikhail Yershov and the young artist Anastasia Marchik. Bronze is used in the academic sculptures of Evgeny Burkov and post modernist Sergey Borisov.
Evgeny Burkov’s eight sculptures based on Russian folklore are in the environment of stained glass paintings made by Tatyana Mikhailova, Natalia Letko and Natalia Entelis. Set at the building of the Botanical Institute management, they are a wonderful example of the classical style in the modern landscape. The Far East sculptor Oleg Batuktin is interesting because of his metaphorical and philosophical designs from wood and stone. His works are ideal for parks and open spaces.
The project is conceived as an illustration of the opportunities which can be used while decorating gardens and parks with modern park sculpture. This kind of work corresponds to the universal art and aesthetic tendency and therefore it is really actual for St.Petersburg, the most European city in our country. There is no doubt, the further development of this exhibition project will bring us to a qualitatively new level of the plastic art development and landscape architecture and it helps create landscape garden ensembles for the new generation.
Sophia Kasim
Curator of the Gallery of Sculpture in the Botanical Garden Exhibition, St.Petersburg, 2014
Gallery of Modern Sculpture and Plastic Arts is a private project which I established thanks to my friends and colleagues’ support.
Of course if we talk about a gallery, we mean trading above all. But there is world practice when a gallery (or exhibition hall) makes its mission in cultural aspect more global tasks then business success.
Sculpture, unlike painting or graphic, needs special treat! Exposure area should be larger, light should be better, and every time we find specific stands for every work. And of course we should say about four-sides and at a “right” angle photography! And it is necessary to bring sculptures and to dispose it, and then to change the position several times while the composition is perfect. It is very exciting, but troublesome. Perhaps that is why we are the first in the city who specialize in sculpture exhibiting. Of course we gave painting and graphics, but they are just additions to sculpture.
My idea is a gallery where people become acquainted with modern sculpture and graphics art. It is the priority task. This is the gallery where you can find esthetic pleasure and enjoy works of art. Even if we talk about selling sculpture, I think, before you should visit some exhibitions to understand what is closer to you, what you like and what you want to have in your collection, in your garden, at home or in the yard.… Sometimes you cannot make your personal opinion about it in one day: you need time for it, you need to visit some exhibitions. Then you will understand what you like and what leaves you untouched.
I leave open the possibility to decorate the yards and gardens of St. Petersburg, not only private territories, but also public. And one needs some kind of cultural push for it when everyone understands that buildings themselves (especially new constructions) do not have cultural factor! Our yards should have not only children’s playground among their facilities. I suggest paying attention to people of other ages. Before we said “a house with three graces” or “a bridge with lions” and what about now??? It is high time to return the idea of peculiarity or individuality of every yard, garden or street. I think that the next task after public and cultural and educational is the decoration of our city. But the statement “art and aesthetic development” is closer to me.
Now I want to say a word about private collections. It is a specific world. Sculpture is rarely collected, but sometimes we can see collections of small-scale sculpture. Usually it is bronze, more seldom it is stone (granite, sandstone and others). There are so called village sculptures, usually these are wooden dwarf, bears, wolfs and so on. Such works are usually used for decoration a yard or a garden, and do not relate to collecting. I think that the interest of private collectors to nontrivial works and serious sculpture deepens step by step. It deepens together with architectural taste and financial possibilities, of course. One can see it in new private houses and interiors. Let’s not pay attention to the economical crisis outside, because it is not permanent and sometimes it can be wrong criteria. Drop in sales on art-marker gives collectors an opportunity to value pieces of art and to choose carefully like they do before the crisis sometimes. It is high time to buy one really serious work instead of ten dwarfs, eight bears on a bench and under a bench and three cats. And I have a lot to offer for serious collections and for good investment.
Sophia Kasim,
Sculpture Gallery Director
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